The Flower - Leaf
To continue with the flower, a proper one, especially a stylized one has leaves. Mine will have one oversize leaf as I have further plans with it, but I'll come to that later.

To start off again a good outline is needed. Probably everybody could think about 10 different leaf shapes immediately as we see them day by day, but I took a template just to make sure. Especially as I want to model the leaf with its veins. In my opinion, there could be two ways to model such an object. One way is to go the photo realistic way, in that case very good textures are needed, but a less complicated model. Second is a more toony appearance with more detailed model (e.g.: thickness, veins), which needs less or no textures, but a bit more work on the model. I choose the second option for this usage.

Finally some bending in each direction is applied to add some"life" and gravity effect. The leaf is then attached to the stem.
The material applied will express the half-toony, half-realistic appearance, which I have intended. I use a green multicolor ramp shader with a minor transparency and a major transluency.
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