Pebbles in a jar - put those pebbles in the jar

After having the jar and the pebble, there seems to be only 1 remaining task: Put the pebble into the jar. Well optimally even more of it :-)

Ok, then. Let's put the pebble into the jar...
It's there. I'll just copy that one and place the copy beside...
There it is... ?&*!ing %×÷$, this is going to take long and it is also very boring. Let's try another way. Mmmh, what if I could just fill up the bowl. There is a command to fill an object with particles, I'll try that. Select object, apply command fill object (first with colorful balls, to see the effect).
Uh oh, it seems the machine understands fill a bit different. Well, the machine just does, what we tell it to do, so fill means here to fill up between the walls. Ok, then let's skip the fill and just pour the pebbles into the jar from the top. I just place a particle emitter above the jar and let the machine do the rest...
Much better. Now I only have to replace the balls with the pebbles, add a bit of random rotation and it should be ok...
Looks great and somewhat random. Obviously it could be even better, with replacing the balls with more different types of pebbles, but this is sufficient for the basic type of usage I'm planning for it. Just an adjustment here and there and stop the flow of pebbles after approx 500 frames and the pebbles finally got into the jar, settled themselves and look how I intended.


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