Making of the Ent - Painting

Making of the Ent Texture painting Finishing the modelling is a misleading success. Painting Gail was a challenge of its own. So I took the path through the vibrant atmosphere of the woods of rhythm (by putting on some Forestdelic music) and dreamed of colors and patterns to fill the white skin of my canvas to bring it to life. Base Real tree bark Flattened texture Painting the textures started in the park actually. I took my camera and headed for some trees... old trees. My aim was to get a realistic texture basis from where I could go in with variation depending on the surface I wanted. After catching some lovely tree bark and some stones, I headed back to the computer to paint Gails body with some reality. It started with some adjustments in Photoshop. The Gamma value was adjusted, as the colors in the RGB screen space would not reflect how it is in reality. Next I took decreased the level of highlights to make the texture more flat. Real mossy tree ...